3.23.25 The Power of Fellowship and Hospitality
3.16.25 Living Generously Through Service and Giving
3.9.25 Discovering God’s voice through bible study
3.2.25 Communion Sunday-Unlocking the Power of Prayer
2.16.25 All Authority, All Nations, All the Time
2.9.25 40 Days of prayer week five-The Grace and Mercy of God-Hannah Castro
2.2.25 40 Day of prayer week five-God’s Unfailing Love: A Gift for Us All
1.26.25 40 Days of prayer week four-The Power of God-By Joel Bubna
1.19.25 40 Days of prayer week three- The Sovereignty of God by Wayne Spriggs
1.12.25 40 Days of prayer week two: The Eternality and unchangeableness of God-Marv Nelson
1.5.25 40 Days of prayer week 1-The Holiness of God
12.15.24 Children’s Nativity Play/Devotional from Pastor Ron
12.1.24 Laodicea: Lukewarm and indifferent
11.24.24 Philadelphia: A little strength
11.17.24 Sardis: A form of godliness without power
11.10.24 Thyatira: Jezebel and False Teachers
11.3.24 Communion Sunday-Loving the Church
10.27.24 Pergamum: Compromise and idolatry.
10.20.24 Revelations: Symrna: Persecution and Endurance.
10.13.24 Revelation Ephesus: Forsaken Love
10.6.24 Communion Sunday-Intro to Revelation
9.22.24 BEING the church Part 2
8.4.24 John 16:33-Mike Counsil
6.9.24 The Call to Discipleship
6.2.24 God’s Heart for Multiplication
5.26.24 Why Should We Rest in the Lord?
5.19.24 Why do we need rest from people?
5.12.24 The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath
2.11.24 Ruth-Intro and Chapter 1
1.28.24 Update on Amman, Jordan Trip
1.21.24-On Mission With Jesus-Alan Rathbun
1.14.24 Being a Disciple-Making Community-David Dixon
1.7.24-What Does God Want? Guest Speaker- Nate Howard
12.31.23 Looking Back, Reaching Forward
12.24.23 Advent Week 4/Celebration Sunday
11.26.23 Vision Statement-Week 3
11.19.23 Vision Statement-Week 2
11.12.23 Vision Statement-Week 1
11.5.23 Communion and District Update
10.22.23 The Unchanging God Who Constantly Changes Me
7.23.23 Introduction to Ephesians
7.9.23 Territory for God’s Glory
6.25.23 Treasure for God's Glory
6.18.23 Temple for God’s Glory
6.11.23 Talents for God’s Glory
5.28.23 Does God Still Ask Us To Tithe
5.21.23 Where is the God of Justice?
5.14.23 Does God Care Who You Marry?
5.7.23 Does God Show Partiality?
4.30.23 Does God Still Require Sacrifice?
4.16.23 Does God Love Everyone?
4.9.23 The World’s Most Notable Event (Resurrection Sunday)
4.2.23 Golgotha-Jesus is crucified
3.19.23 The Spirit is Willing, but the Flesh is Weak
3.12.23 Jesus Comforts His Disciples
3.5.23 The Slow-to-Anger-and-Abounding-in-Love Supper
2.26.23 I Wanna Be A Sheep Baa Baa Baa Baa
2.19.23 Parable of the talents
2.12.23 Signs of the End of Age
2.5.23 40 Days of Prayer-Prayer as Expression of Hope
1.29.23 40 Days of Prayer-Prayer as Spiritual Warfare
1.22.23 40 Days of Prayer-Prayer as Confession
1.15.23 40 Days of Prayer-Prayer as Petition
1.8.23 40 Days of Prayer-Prayer as Kingdom Partnership
1.1.23 40 Days of Prayer-Week 1-Prayer as Worship
12.18.22 Advent Week 3: Gospels Endurance
12.11.22 Mission Week: Be Present
12.4.22 Advent Week 2: Life Transformation
11.27.22 Advent Week 1: Light in the Darkness
11.20.22 Gods at War: god of me
11.13.22 Gods at War: family and romance
10.23.22 Sometimes Everything Goes Wrong
8.28.22 Prayer of Faith-Healing Service
8.14.22 Warning to Rich Oppressors
8.7.22 Boasting About Tomorrow
7.31.22 Submit yourselves to God
6.19.22 James 1:13-18 The Source of Temptation
6.12.22 James: 1:2-12 The Testing of Faith
4.3.22 His Transcendence and Eternality
3.13.22 His Sovereignty and Omniscience
2.20.22-Jesus is our Sanctifier
2.6.22 40 Days of Prayer-week 6
1.30.22 40 Days of Prayer-week 5/Celebration Sunday
1.23.22 40 Days of Prayer-week 4
1.16.22 40 Days of Prayer-week 3
1.9.22- 40 Days of Prayer-week 2
1.2.22 40 Days of Prayer-week 1
12.5.21 Stars Guide Travelers at Night
11.28.21- Advent Week 1-Light of the World
11.21.21 Testimony Sunday-Part 2
11.14.21 Testimony Sunday-Part 1
11.7.21 Communion and Healing Service
10.10.21 Timothy-Young but Faithful
9.26.21 Peter-Open Mouth, Insert Foot
9.5.21 Where is God Sending You?
7.18.21 Moses-”Lawgiver and Stonebreaker”
7.11.21 Elijah-Mighty prophet of God…and a bit forgetful
6.27.21 David-From the highest of heights, to the lowest of lows
5.9.21 The Council at Jerusalem
4.4.21 Easter Sunday-The Three Gardens
3.14.21 Faith Built Through Persecution, Grief, Joy, and Answered Prayer
3.7.21 Jesus Is The Vine and We Are The Branches
2.28.21 Jesus Will Send the Holy Spirit
2.21.21 The Way The Truth and The Life
2.7.21 40 Days of Prayer Week 6
1.28.21 40 Days of Prayer Week 5
1.24.21 40 Days of Prayer Week 4
1.17.21 40 Days of Prayer Week 3
12.13.20 The Second Advent: The Reception of Christ in the Heart of the Believer
12.6.20 First Advent: The Nativity in Bethlehem
11.22.20 Part 3 Next Step: Planning For the Future
11.15.20 Part 2 Next Steps: Assessing the Present
11.8.20 3 week series-Part 1 Next Steps: Remembering the Past
11.1.20 Our Mission: Helping People Take Their Next Step in Their Relationship with God
10.18.20 God’s Word on Leadership
9.27.20 District Council Update
9.20.20 The Deeper Life (Part 2)
9.6.20 Jesus tells the Kingdom Parables
8.16.20 Jesus Feeds a Multitude
8.2.20 Jesus Teaches About the Good Shepherd
7.12.20 The Cost of Discipleship
6.28.20 Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind
3.8.20 Jesus Operated in Spiritual Gifts
3.1.20 Communion/Healing Service
2.23.20 Jesus Operated in Spiritual Gifts
2.16.20 The God of All Comfort
2.9.20 Expectations Without Agenda
1.26.20 Expectations Without Agenda
1.19.20 Expectations Without Agenda
11.10.19 Managing a Life of Ministry
10.27.19 Knowing and Obeying God's Word
10.20.19 Mobilizing Devoted Disciples
10.13.19 Achieving Gods Purposes Means Taking Faith Filled Risks
9.29.19 Lost People Matter to God
9.8.19 Prayer is the primary work of God’s people